Brigade Q4 profit rises 234% on strong demand
Wednesday, 29 May 2024
Business Standard (Main Paper)
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Brigade QL profit rises234% on - strong demand
¢ Real estate developer Brigade
¢ Enterprises reported a 234 per cent
¢ rise in net profit to %211 crore for the
¢ fourth quarter ended March (QuFY2L). The total revenue stood at 1,763 crore, ¢ up102 percent, on the back of strong
¢ demand. Ebitda stood at₹493 crorein
| QuFY24 as against₹231crore in Qu FY23,
¢ anincrease of 113 per cent. Brigade
¢ approved afinal dividend of %2 per
¢ equity share (20 per cent) of %10 each.
. Brigade achieved presales of 32,243
¢ crorein Q4 FY24 and 6,013 crore for the . entire FY24. BS REPORTER
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Brigade QL profit rises234% on - strong demand ¢ Real estate developer Brigade ¢ Enterprises reported a 234 per cent ¢ rise in net profit to %211 crore for the ¢ fourth quarter ended March (QuFY2L). The total revenue stood at 1,763 crore, ¢ up102 percent, on the back of strong ¢ demand. Ebitda stood at₹493 crorein | QuFY24 as against₹231crore in Qu FY23, ¢ anincrease of 113 per cent. Brigade ¢ approved afinal dividend of %2 per ¢ equity share (20 per cent) of %10 each. . Brigade achieved presales of 32,243 ¢ crorein Q4 FY24 and 6,013 crore for the . entire FY24. BS REPORTER